Following on from:
These two are worth a watch....
I love Numberphile. Even if i often don't understand anything
Here is mine
Most smartest of all.
Here are some math forumlas to calculate pi. Give them a try.
Using Inverse Sine function (asin) - take any number x between -1 and 1 since the domain of inverse sin is [-1,1].
The App Inventor system "floats" all decimal places to 5 decimal places - 0.123456 would become 0.12345. So, I simply ran a JavaScript dialog, because Java(Script)'s Math.PI operator has 15 digits.
Just this:
alert (Math.PI);
Went online, found one million digits of pi.
Taken a large part from the website, if you are the author of the website, large thanks!
Made an AIA, tested successfully.
PiWithFiles.aia (41.6 KB)
I do not know how many digits I took, seems to be thousands.
Very Nice Inforemations about Pi π here
Great to hear read...
if I scroll until end of that page, then my mouse would never work again I guess
Woah, an API for π nice
never imagined...
Yeah, better and nice actually @gordonlu310
Sometimes I really like maths
I went on Google and found a list of URLs to images related to π and pie, and made a JSON list to put this together.
RandomPieImages.json (2.9 KB)
Together with this solution of calculating Pi, you can also use these to show a random pi(e) image.
This is a game about pi(e). Let me briefly introduce it.
It has a pie (ImageSprite) on a canvas that is clickable. When you click it, you earn 1 .
The game has a time limit of 3 minutes and 14 seconds.
I am generous enough to give you 10 at the start of the game.
You can potentially lose over time:
For every 80 seconds, Tax Token will tax you 25 .
At 1:34, Judgemental Owl will judge you, and will take away 30 from you (because he a corrupted judge).
At 1:04, a macaw will fly to your wallet, and will decide whether to take away , leave it alone or even give you
After 3 minutes and 14 seconds, the time is up. If you earn 628 or more, you pass, else you fail the challenge.
How is it related to pi?
The sprite is a pie.
The time limit is 3.14, an approximation of pi.
The target of the score you earn is 628, which is approximately pi times 2 times 100.
Enjoy, and let me know if there are any bugs! Also, share your score below! AIA below.
PieClicker.aia (245.2 KB)
Good job. Maybe post some screenshots of your game.
That's unfortunate...I find that my score becomes > 628 only if I click the pie with 2 fingers. It was desgined to be a challenge...
Anyways, here are some screenshots.
I did it with a emulator. So a lot of mouseclicks
Happy Pi Day!
3 years ago we had a lot of fun. Maybe some of you discovered other ways to calculate Pi.
Here's a comedic Pi calculator based on a screen grab from @Peter's post.
Will it fool your math teacher?