CoderDojo 10 years

Because CoderDojo is celebrating its 10th birthday they have a number of festivities. They also made some special birthday material to play with.

One of the things is a social media profile ribbon. I used that to make the following little app.

You choose a picture on your phone, select the piece you want to use, press process image and presto you have yourself a nice profile image. The image is saved in the root of your phone with the name CoderDojo10.png.

I used extensions from BodyMindPower, Jerin Jacob and Atom_Developer.

If you want to try the app you can find it on my website.

I only tested on my own phone so hopefully everything looks and works the same on your phone too. :grin:


it works great :grinning: :grinning:

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You are running it on a tablet i see.


I updated my app. I tested it with Android 8.1.0, Android 11 and Android 12. It works in every version. You have now the ability to share the image after generating.

Maybe some of you could test it.