Cloudinary: An extension to upload files to Cloudinary

Can i upload voice messages with this extention?
And if it going what I need for an File-path ?
I use the "Sound recorder" and I have an soud-path can I use them ?

Here are my blocks.
Can you help me?

But what exactly your problem is?
Did you check the sample aia?

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Yes I have.
If I want to upload a sound then crash my app.
Can you help me, I want to upload a voice message.

Try setting uploadOptions to an empty dictionary.


I have try now a few other things but it doesn´t work ...
Can you make me an aia Please?
Then can I see where is my problem and can repair it .

You were right.
This works:

Okay I try this

Thank you for your help it's going!

Hi, how can I get the image URL from Cloudinary by using that extension? thanks

Hi @vknow360

Happy New Year

I use your upload function for pictures and audio files. As written above, this works very well!

When I delete it, I noticed that only the images are deleted - but not the audio files.

According to the instructions, the resource_type must be specified when deleting video and audio. In the case of pictures, only the ID is sufficient.

Can you extend your delete command so that the resource_type - as with upload - can also be transferred when deleting?

Many Thanks

Extension will be updated in 2-3 working days.

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ChangeLog Version 1.2

  • Added optionsMap parameter in Delete method

Its Great

Many Thanks

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I have a problem with this extension, when I try to upload an image the application just restarts and doesn't upload the image.

Please post the logs and aia.You can show the blocks as well.

please help me :slight_smile: how can I get the image URL from Cloudinary by using that extension?

Did you read the topic ?

yes, i have tried, and got this

i did it, i parsed the dictionary to list and get the url
, thankyou

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Hello, is it possible that, if the image is in a folder in Cloudinary, this block does not find it?

I can't delete an image if it's inside a folder.
