Click a Marker to display or hide a CustomMarker Photo

OK, thank you very much, Steve! :blush:
Another question, please:
How to, when an user clicks on a marker, a photo (of the place) appears.
And after the photo disappears?
For example:

I uploaded a photo in the marker 23. When a user clicks on the marker 23, the photo I uploaded appears on the user's screen.
And then the user can close the photo. How do you do this, please?

Here is one way to display an image when a Map Marker is clicked using design time Markers in an app.

  • You need two Lists; one for the Markers in your app, the other for the corresponding images. If you use run time markers and do not add any additional features, you can use the Map.Features block instead of the markerList. Map.Features provides a List of all the Features (Markers) without having to generate your own List.
  • provide as many images and place them in Media as you have design time Markers.

Touch to display image; touch again to hide the photo.

Experiment. The images you use in your app cannot be very large. What displays will depend on the zoom factor you use.

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Thank you very much! :grinning:

You helped me a lot :blush:

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