Changing the Order Of Screens/Changing Screen1

Hey, everyone! Hope you all are having a wonderful day! So many people have a lot of questions about how to switch the order of screens, so I thought it might be helpful to create a tutorial with all the different ways you can switch the order of screens or change the first screen that the user sees when they open the app. But, I would like you all to think about whether you really need all of these screens. Make sure to read @Peter's post about @Taifun's number one tip about using screens and maybe consider using virtual screens instead and this would be much easier for you and you wouldn't even need this tutorial. In fact many people would agree that using virtual screens is much easier, so make sure that you read their post here: General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor If you still think that you would like to use screens istead of virtual screens than let's start!
Here are 3 ways one how to change the order of screens and change Screen1:

  1. To make it so that the screen that you want to be first shows up first when the user opens the app, go to the screen that opens up first when the user opens the app and press ctrl+c (Command+c on Mac). Then, create another screen and press ctrl+v (Command+v on Mac) and press ctrl+c (Command+c on Mac) on the screen that you want to open up first and press ctrl+c (Command+c on Mac) and go to the screen that opens up first and press ctrl+v (Command+v on Mac). Then, you can delete the duplicate screen/the screen that the first screen was on and you have successfully changed the app so your first screen opens up first when the user opens your app.

  2. Follow this simple video tutorial recommended by @SteveJG in the post, Changing Order of Screens -

  3. Follow @ChrisWard's advice at Set first screen/activity running my app

Hope this helps you all! I will be making a tutorial about how to use virtual screens very soon os stay tuned!


Devo dire la verità; questi passaggi saranno anche un pò macchinosi; ma vi confermo che funzionano al 100% :ok_hand:

P.s: Vi consiglio però, prima di intraprendere questi passaggi; di eseguire un backup dell'AIA. Questo perchè, spesso vengono copiati solamente i blocchi del designer (e una volta mi capitò anche che i blocchi del designer, non fossero nella loro posizione originale :upside_down_face: ma si tratta di sciocchezze) e non vengono copiati anche i blocchi di codice.