Changing the background color for a specific item in a ListView

Here when I make component disable and click this is result

First time when app starts both variables will be empty lists.


I tried in this way working BUT(restart issue)
When I click without changing it's showing no changed(which is correct) and
then when I changed from speadsheet then click it's changed(which is correct)

only issue then I restart app its showing changed (which is NOT correct)

only one issue then
then screen2 initialized first time

It's showing changed

So here
When I restart app it's showing changed(which is NOT correct)
then when I click button without changing its showing no changes(which is correct)
then when I changed from googlesheet and click it's showing changed(which is correct)

Would someone be able to give a summary of the current state of this issue?


This works OK on Android (companion)

but on iOS companion it doesn't like:


and generates this error:


(based upon @Samhappy 's testing, I cannot test on iOS)

Example aia project
testCopyListOniOS.aia (2.5 KB)

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Thanks a lot. I'll take a look.

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I did in this way it's and it's working
Here when app screen2 iinitialize I'm getting List

Then here is when Update Button click

Here is my speadsheet

when I''m sending item to speadsheet from app it's adding as a status "Pending" as a default which is correct.

Here I would like: show the message "Changed" when the current list is not equal to the new list and the fourth item in the list (Item4) is "Active",
How to do ?
Reasion to do this when I'm sending item to sreadsheet it's directyly showing message Changed so I just want to make expection "Active"

Even i tried this

Are you attempting to find the the row where the change was made ? This could be more than one row ?


I need only specific now change not all.

Again, do you just want to list those items that were Pending and are now Active, or do you want to list all items that are Active?

Where were pending before and got now active only

please note if for user already sent before message "changed" then new active must be as a new changed message and select only new active items not a old


How To detect a row in a ListView when item has been changed in MIT App Inventor?

In my last set of blocks, we do a comparison:

The value of the cell in the Status (C) column (Pending or Active), the comparison being if the newList contains Active and the currentList contains Pending, if true, then we add the list Index to the list. We can then return the contents of the row in newlist.

your block code is almot working but when I change from Active to pending it's showing also Changed (which is not corret)