Changing the background color for a specific item in a ListView

I only need if status changes to "Active" that period sound.
No adding /deleting

for example:
from google sheet i change status to "active" now I see my listview list item updated that time only I would like sound.

In case here is Id value for each list

**Here is how I'm getting ID for each "Active" item **

You mean something like this

Does it work for you ?

No ;((

This works for me

Order of setting the two variables, current and new, is important



You get that error even if you try again and again ?

Here is aia may be you'll take a look please!

Working OK here on Android. Possible bug with iOS ? I cannot test, no Apple devices in the household.

I'll check on Android too. But my staff most of them using iOS ;(((((

can we do somthing for ios ;(((

All we can do it report it up to MIT, see what they say ?

As an aside:
(Are you able to generate compiled iOS apps and upload to the Apple Store for others to install ?)

now i cheked with my ios . When I make disable this part then it;s showing changed message


OK, could be a bug in the copy list to list block.

how about using this

Try this

works when label is not visible

Here is before clicking

Here is after click

here is code