I only need if status changes to "Active" that period sound.
No adding /deleting
for example:
from google sheet i change status to "active" now I see my listview list item updated that time only I would like sound.
I only need if status changes to "Active" that period sound.
No adding /deleting
for example:
from google sheet i change status to "active" now I see my listview list item updated that time only I would like sound.
In case here is Id value for each list
Does it work for you ?
No ;((
You get that error even if you try again and again ?
Here is aia may be you'll take a look please!
Working OK here on Android. Possible bug with iOS ? I cannot test, no Apple devices in the household.
I'll check on Android too. But my staff most of them using iOS ;(((((
can we do somthing for ios ;(((
All we can do it report it up to MIT, see what they say ?
As an aside:
(Are you able to generate compiled iOS apps and upload to the Apple Store for others to install ?)
OK, could be a bug in the copy list to list block.
how about using this