Canvas wont show up on emulator

When I go on to the emulator the canvas and canvas image doesn’t appear. I their anyway to fix this issue?

Could you post your exported.aia file here,along with a link to the tutorial you are following?

Please export your project and post it here.

Welcome Nina.

Is the Canvas.BackgroundImage in your example tutorial really corruptedMedia .

This appears to be a corrupted image file (perhaps it is correct but the name appears suspicious).

Left click on the png; select Preview ... and you should see an drop down image of that png file
previewMedia Do you?

Delete that image from the Canvas.BackgroundImage temporarily and try again without the image. The Project may work.

Check you are using the latest Companion 2.60. A while ago there was a similar issue. The problem was traced back to a Companion version that has since been replaced.

As an additional test, place any image at all in the background after you load Companion 2.60 from Google Play. You should see that image.


Your png may not be working, so try and deleting it.