Can't copy components

when I use the copy shortcut it doesn't work is there any other way to copy components? or is there any solution for the shortcut?

Apart from copy-pasting, there is no other way to duplicate a component.

Does the page throw an error message (pop-up)?

  1. I asked is there any way other than shortcuts
  2. no it didn't throw pop up

To copy components you must select the component in the designer and use the keyboard combinations of CTRL+C and CTRL+V. There is no other method.

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What browser are you using?

google chrome

Same question was awnsered again and animation also provided to show how procedure works

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I'm doing it but it doesn't work

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Try restarting your browser and try again

AI2 has undocumented copy/paste (Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V) features in the Designer.
It doesn't take long to copy whole Arrangements from one Screen to another.
The accompanying blocks ride along.


Having the same problem here...

Protip: read the answers in this thread
If these tips do not work, then elaborate


A post was merged into an existing topic: Why I can't copy and paste components in my MIT app project?