Button • Customizing buttons • Icon, Radius, Gradient

Yes, it is a notable drawback since the shadow of the text is customized and not that of the button. It is already in the code, but I had to omit it due to a bug in the function. I will start working on it soon.

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The button shadow will remain pending.

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A small update
Nov 02, 2024.

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im sorry that i got this message
gnu.math.IntNum cannot be cast to java.lang.String
注意: 5秒钟后将报告另一条错误信息

i'd be grateful if you could help me


is not an integer (number)


i love u ,i like this extension very much but i got many errors ,u r like my angel

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Hello, I'm new here I get this error, what can I do?

What error?

Compare with one of the examples and check your cornerRadius


gnu.math.IntNum cannot be cast to java.lang.String


I still get the same thing

The detail is in imagePosition previously a number was used, now text is used. I will change the images in the topic so there is no confusion, but here is the example:

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I enjoy using this extension, as this is the easiest way I know of to make my ui look better. The button and text shadows look awesome, but I know that they are still in development. Are you close to finishing them? It would be good to know since I have no other way to customize my buttons.


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Thanks a lot

Yes, there are still plans to integrate the shadow behind the button and be able to configure its color, size, opacity and shadow direction.
I had put it aside for a while, but I will check back soon.

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Update Version 1.0.2 Jan 07, 2025.

Looks amazing! I am going to try to implement this into my app.

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Can't get better than this. Truly beautiful.

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