[BUGS nb200] App Inventor inutilisable (unusable)

This is curious xD
It’s not a bug or anything, and it doesn’t really affect anything, but it seems that line is hidden at first or only shows up at the bottom. However, as the project progresses, it suddenly comes to light.

Forget it if it's a bug, but a minor bug in the UI
When you enable that in the designer, it shrinks.

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One more usability request regarding the vertical limits of the blocks screen, please (if we are on time, and it is not too complicated):

Could it be possible that the horizontal slider at the bottom of the screen,


and the top part (where you can swap screens and so on),


they both appear at the same time, without needing to scroll the most right vertical scroll bar up and down all the time?

It happens too many times, that the horizontal slider disapears, and you have to scroll vertically the outer screen to make it appear again.

I believe something happened some time ago. May be when the Privacy Policy and terms of use.... apeared at the botom?


I checked it happens both in Firefox and Chome navigators.

In case it helps to debug:
Before something similar happened with the size of some blocks changing aparently. But at that time had the feeling that it depended on the zoom level of the screen.

Now they appear bigger all the time, regardless of the zoom level.

This feature: "Workspace scrolls automatically when dragging blocks to the edge" NOT runs correctly. It is not possible for the user to work correctly with the blocks as implemented.
The "performance or rendering engine" is very good. I have detected a better time performance.

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The Viewer show warnings but this is wrong. There is any warning in the viewer. To have the right value I need to close the user-session and re-start the user-session.

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Here's an unfortunate bug:

I asked a user for a project .aia export, and its procedure detonated on arrival, scattering its blocks across the workspace. (False alarm, just a slob)

that might be because my Remove Unused blocks isn't working.

App inventor has a very scary new interface


I didn't touch my program for a few days, but when I tried to correct some of my mistakes today, I was scared by the new interface. First, I chose the classic style, but when I opened the program, I found that

  1. the positions of the blocks weren't in their old positions, and many blocks even overlapped with each other.
  2. when I tried to move a block back to its old position by pressing on the block with the mouse, and tried to move a little bit further away, the screen then suddenly scrolled very fast, and the block was moved a long distance away. That means I can't drag a block to a position where I really want. I had a hard time to move the block back to its old position by dragging the block a little bit further in about 1/4 sec, and then released the mouse button quickly, and at last I successfully moved the block to a position close to the position I wanted after 10 and more tries.

Now, I would like to know can we have our old interface (including program loading and operating) back in the future as an option. I dare not do anything now for I don't have the confidence with the new interface.

Thanks in advance

Yours truly,
Anthony Chow

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[BUG nb200] All Block disabling

It happened to me that by mistake I commanded disabling on the grid which as a result disabled everything in the project. Apart from the slowness with which this operation is carried out, it is detrimental because if UNDO is done this re-enables everything that was disabled even what was done voluntarily. During development it is normal for me to temporarily disable some blocks to think about them better and possibly later re-enable them. With the UNDO it happened that nothing worked anymore and I had to slowly disable what was necessary again. I think disabling the entire project should be prevented or at least done after a warning message.

This should be reclassified under the bug report for the regression of the right click improvement in the blocks editor.

Can't get to my PC for some hours to find it.

Hi Ferran,
May be you found something similar to what I reported here?

You must be right about the reason for the blocks to become bigger.
I checked that the same happens in my old projects in Scratch
(May be both AppInventor and Scratch use a common interface to display blocks ¿called blockly?)

Yes.It is the same mistake.

When you click on the All Component window, it gets smaller and an error occurs when you try to add a label in the tabular layout, causing the tabular layout to become larger and causing problems with labels overlapping. How do I return it to its original state?

The blocks part is very slow

Hello, I have an application created with Inventor for 5 years, the truth is that it is perfect, I always like to go in and improve it from Firerox because it is quite large, but yesterday without increasing any block the movements from the blocks are very slow, it is practically impossible Basically, the computer I use is quite powerful and previously it was very fast and fluid, I don't know what is happening, thank you.

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For a large project, I always collapse all the blocks, only expand the one I'm working on.

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Hello, yes I also do exactly the same, the project has 20MB, but I have not increased any blocks, in December the block screen was very fluid and fast and now it works very very slowly, as I say, without increasing the size of the project , I have tried several browsers, I work with Firefox, thanks


Dragging blocks to the Trash can scrolls the screen completely right to the end before the lid opens.

When deleting blocks, there is no longer a warning popup

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Yes. I also use large pojects, and I have noticed the same.
The projects are much slower to load and display (both in design and block screens).
You can even see a first incomplete view, and have to wait several seconds more for the full view.

Sticky Toffee Blocks

twice now this has happened. I have moved a blocked, but then it never actually drops, despite my efforts. Is this a new feature I am misunderstanding? Some sort of sticky key thing?

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