[BUGS nb200] App Inventor inutilisable (unusable)

I'm having trouble moving a large set of commands. From checking the edge of the screen. and do fast scrolling

Which seems like a good thing. When the order is small and I am of the opinion that

The inspection should be changed from checking the edges of large routines to checking the mount position. which is small instead It will make quick control better.

And I sincerely hope that it will be fixed soon because the difficulty in writing the code is not enough and there is more difficulty in arranging the instructions.

I appreciate the great apps you guys create. Give us the opportunity to use it. Thank you.

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(nb200) Vertical Scroll Viewer is moved out of the Viewer Palette with the Media elements

When the the Viewer is moved in vertical sroll then is also moved out of the windows viewer palette. It happens if we have many media elements. Is very difficault to work with this issue.

The problem is: If we have many media elements than the scroll viewer not runs well for vertical scrolling because when we scroll-vertical the Viewer also scroll-vetical the Media and the Viewer gets out of the working palette. We have not the posibiliy to collapse (-) / expand (+) these media-elements as we have for the before blocks-elements. This issue happens not always (many times, but not always).

Do you have a screenshot?

See you in the attached screeshot:
When I scroll the Viewer Palette it is not moved and it is out off the palette with a null screen (grey colour screen). Only is moved the Media Palette.

If we will have a collapse (-) option for the Media elements it will be solved.

If we scroll more at the end we have a short palette viewer (the viewer pallete is going to null show). See you more short palette:

This has been an issue since forever I think. Having a huge media list has always made the window scrollable beyond the bounds of the blocks editor. I had previously advocated for making that section scrollable and not longer than the web page but unfortunately it results in a huge number of scrollbars on Windows so it was abandoned.

You are right (in the older version happens the same issue). Maybe if the media list had the option to collapse (+) or expand (-) the problem would be easly solved.
Similar to the Blocks Built-in or the Screen Name Groups as is in Section Blocks.
Is this possible?

Anyway, this small interface problem only happens in the old theme, in the new one there is no such inconvenience.

But in the new one it would be advisable to reduce the scrollbar view.

Possibly in a future update but at the moment we're focused on trying to squash the major issues in this release. We're aiming to have those out later today.



Something else very inportant, undo and redo donc work properly anymore.


I make a gross error. Sorry, I have deleted this post

This "autoscroll" function is the biggest rubbish ever. Has anyone thought about small screens??? I can hardly keep up with the rushing back and forth on my laptop because the image keeps rushing away. If only there was a way to turn off this excess.

(nb200) I have detect if if I move or want to operate with a Logic Blocks (if) with vertical disposition these blocks go crazy and the cursor remains fixed on these blocks without the possibility of being released.

They only work good if the Logic (if) blocks are in a horizontal position. Curiosity: The diferent word 'and' and 'AND' in these blocks.

The secret is to zoom out the screen and then move the block, if you are on zoom and the block is bigger than the screen, it will happen what you mention moves fast

But if you move away and the block is inside the scrolling screen box it is measurable :no_good_man:t2: :no_good_man:t2:

There's no big difference it's just uppercase and already

OLD (nb199)

NEW (nb200)

With the thing of fixing and going crazy, I have not seen the flaw, at least in the edge browser (chromium)

Not even in my old projects

Super weird the flaws that some people mention xD

Thanks for the report. We will try to get a fix in for tonight's bug fix update.

Edit: We've decided to delay an update to ai2 in favor of first testing fixes on ai2-test. More to come.

Edit 2: https://ai2-test.appinventor.mit.edu has been updated with bug fixes.

An assortment of bug fixes are now available on the test server:

Hello all,
I am experimenting the same problem already reported by @Ferran_SIMON with blocks editor interface, here below a video displaying the issue:

As you see in the clip, the block with external inputs does not hook up and, after unclicking mouse left button, it remains selected, it can't be released and it keeps going around along with mouse pointer.
I really beg for a prompt bug fix, since the interface is hardly usable, especially in case of duplication of several blocks with external inputs.

Please try the test server and let us know, if it works for you there


After just spending almost 2 hours diagnosing, shifting, deleting blocks, rearranging blocks, adding blocks, creating and deleting procedures and finally giving up and pulling out my hair, I've realized that each time I make an edit anywhere in the blocks page, regardless of how small a change, the edit is NOT comprehended by the device, whether it be a chromebook or device. I MUST refresh the companion before proceeding in order to recognize the changes in the blocks editor. Is this just me or anyone having this issue also?

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Yes, already reported here:

(you will need to follow the link to see the entire post...)