Bluetooth Send Text To Printer issue

Hi @World_of_Games, that's clear to me. :slight_smile:
What I say is that you shall tell the printer to switch the text interpreter to the cyrillic alphabet, otherwise how the printer can know that you want print in cyrillic ? So before sending text (and not barcodes, that's right), you shall tell the printer to use the cyrillic font instead the european one. Maybe it is just an "escape sequence" like 0x1B, 0xFF (1B is ascii ESC, FF is purely an example) that you have to send as an header before the string to be printed. But all this, provided that the printer has cyrillic chacaters printing capabilities. Before hitting your head against a wall, ask the manufacturer :smirk:

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@ChrisWard thank you :pray:

When I push both two button I got this:

Edit: ... it's the charset and font that need to change. Charset possibly to UTF-8, font Cyrillic.

I got Milestone Technical support online but when I mentioned the Russian language he immediately stopped the chat and a standard message was posted.

However, I have discovered the Supported Printer Control Commands:
Mobile Printer: CPCL
Label Printing: TSPL
Desktop Printer: ESC
Hewlett-Packard: JPL (remote control of printers)

CPCL looks promising. Power User @ABG has lost hair working on using printers, so hopefully he can spare a few more locks of hair to help you.

The CPCL manual can be downloaded here (>8MB):

It is written in English.

Hello @ChrisWard,
since I lost my hair long time ago, I have no more locks to spend... anyway, I took a sight to the manual, and on page 26 the following table is reported:
I don't see any reference to the cyrillic codepage 866, that on the contrary is printed in the snapshot that @World_of_Games has posted. It seems therefore that the printer is capable to work with the 866 but it is still currently set on ASCII CP. Probably we need to swap the CP's and let the printer work with the CP 866 instead. How to do this, we have to investigate... :thinking:

That could be a disaster :thinking: There are two candidates for Russian, CP866 and CP808 (which includes the euro symbol).

TSPL supports CP866 (but not CP808 it seems).

Edit: ESC (Epson) also supports CP866 but there looks to be a huge amount of setting-up to do as ESC is a 'jack of all trades'.

Abraham Getzler (ABG) is good at this stuff, hope he can help.

Friends What do you think may be it'll work in this way?

Widely Device Compatible

Bluetooth and USB Interface,compatible Adroid,IOS and Windows.

How to connect Bluetooth with phone ? our printing app in your phone the app, select bluetooth of printer
3.connect the bluetooth
4.can print by phone through bluetooth .
Note: can't find bluetooth of printer in phone's setting ,can't connect bluetooth in setting,only can connect bluetooth in our app

Support Many Languages

If you want to print different languages.for example,Russia,Spain...

How to get the driver for printer ?
can download by this link :
Windows 7 Drive: Google Drive: Sign-in
Windows 10 drive:

@Juan_Antonio Provided link is not Valid.

Hi @World_of_Games,
what we see here is that you can use the two pushbuttons to change the configuration of the printer or you can use the USB line (if connected to a PC, and this could be more easy and flexible).
In both cases it seems that you can select different codepages, but this video refers still to another printer model. Its BIOS can be different and can have different command sets (and the pushbuttons can behave differently). Anyway you can try. As per your snapshot your printer is capable to work with ASCII (the default one) and with the 866. The problem is to instruct the printer to work with the 866, it seems. By browsing the manual that @Chris linked, it seems that the command is "COUNTRY" (page 26). But "Russia" or Cyrillic, or CP866 are not in the table. You can try to set one of these options and see what happens...

how I can set COUNTRY with block ?

Hi @World_of_Games,
I guess you have to send several messages to the printer:
so instead of just sending the data, you have to send the commands, before, then the data.
To ease the trials you would rather use a USB cable and a PC with a Teraterm app, just to send commands and data quick and easy without creating the apk every attempt.

Based on my reading of ESC/POS,

this should switch your code page:

ESC_POS.aia (1.7 KB)

(I left out the BlueTooth Connect parts.)

I assume code page 17 is the right one.
According to the video, though, 27 is the one.

Did you try it? I was thinking you could send a settings code as the first line(s) of the text to be printed. Although the printer in the video is not the same model, the electronics are likely to be similar.

Tried but still messy ;((((

Try 27 instead of 17?

tried still messy ;(

I would try the P10 printer tool at;%20P5801;%20P8001;%20P5805;%20P8005;%20P58C;%20P58D;%20L5801;%20P58F;%20P80F;%20P29L;%20L58C;%20L58D;

The Char_mode pulldown has options for UTF-8

You would need a USB cable from your PC to the printer to load its new print mode.

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@ABG thank you for your response. I connected USD cable

What should I do next?