[BETA | FREE | DISCONTINUED] 💡 NEXT - Extension IDE for App Inventor

Hi AyProductions

Well, at least the background song was amusing - the Beta 3.2 video itself is more than underwhelming. The Beta 3.1 video is more informative but what we really want to see is an actual extension build and that extension working in an App.

Tip: work on language translations when the program is very very close to release. Before then, things change too much.

I didn't see any credits for the background music/song in either video - you do have permission to use them, right?


Credits in the video description. Actually I was in a hurry in the editing, so I forget about it.

Thanks for the tip!

Ok. I will reupload it today evening (IST)

I am having a "Call the handyman with no hands" vibe because of my awful video editing skills.

Finally, after 12 lines of code, I got this to compile (had errors in the middle) I created compiler myself

But I still want to compile using MIT Extension template


UPDATE: NEXT is now Open-Source!


Should I make the help documentation online or offline? since I am adding it to this IDE software.

  • online
  • offline

0 voters

Release date shifted to next week.

Notice of help documentation



A test was conducted at Yesterday, 18:38:57 (exact) that we were able to successfully install NEXT in Linux. (Linux Mint and Ubuntu)

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I'm confused with something. In Niotron IDE, when you add Help URL, the Help URL code is missing. I am not sure where to add the Help URL code. Can anyone help me with this?

First answer this question if you want me to work on this IDE.

Hello. Does anyone want the download link and tutorial of Beta 3.2??

Don't demand others if you want them to help. :slight_smile:


Beta 3.2 Features:

Is there a linux deb package or AppImage or Snap available for testing ?

We used compatibility layers.

Currently no. But, you could use compatibility layers if you are interested :slight_smile:

The compatibility layer I'm talking about: https://www.makeuseof.com/install-wine-ubuntu/

(Credits : MakeUseOf)

That is not running it on Linux :wink:


Let me install Linux Subsystem. Maybe it will let me compile the AppImage there. :slight_smile:

But i never understood If I am being positive towards everyone :slight_smile:


I am making NEXT a closed-sourced product, because, I understood the potential of this IDE, plus, the source code is too big for GitHub to handle :frowning: .

The IDE will be still free.

Fun fact: NEXT is written in 3000 lines of code!

I don't find it right to make the source code closed just because the source code is too big.

FYI, GitHub doesn't have "actual" limits for repositories, there are only per-file limits and I assume you are getting errors because you are placing the binary files (like *.exe) in the repository. Just don't upload binary files directly to GitHub, instead upload them in GitHub Releases, which is one of the recommended ways for distributing big files.



NEXT will become an open-sourced app again! Thanks to @yusufcihan!

Syntax highlighting is now a thing!!


Introducing NEXT "sidekick"(s) (beta 3.2 onwards) !

NEXT sidekicks are add-ons that can be written in almost any language (except Java and Python , optimized for VB .net) and in our proprietary language, the NEXT language!

Currently this isn't in a fully working state, as we are still working on the Add-on scripts.

Stay Tuned!

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