[BETA | FREE | DISCONTINUED] 💡 NEXT - Extension IDE for App Inventor

Let me install Linux Subsystem. Maybe it will let me compile the AppImage there. :slight_smile:

But i never understood If I am being positive towards everyone :slight_smile:


I am making NEXT a closed-sourced product, because, I understood the potential of this IDE, plus, the source code is too big for GitHub to handle :frowning: .

The IDE will be still free.

Fun fact: NEXT is written in 3000 lines of code!

I don't find it right to make the source code closed just because the source code is too big.

FYI, GitHub doesn't have "actual" limits for repositories, there are only per-file limits and I assume you are getting errors because you are placing the binary files (like *.exe) in the repository. Just don't upload binary files directly to GitHub, instead upload them in GitHub Releases, which is one of the recommended ways for distributing big files.



NEXT will become an open-sourced app again! Thanks to @yusufcihan!

Syntax highlighting is now a thing!!


Introducing NEXT "sidekick"(s) (beta 3.2 onwards) !

NEXT sidekicks are add-ons that can be written in almost any language (except Java and Python , optimized for VB .net) and in our proprietary language, the NEXT language!

Currently this isn't in a fully working state, as we are still working on the Add-on scripts.

Stay Tuned!

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A test run was conducted on an extremely old system to prove that NEXT works, but it takes time to load.

You'll need .NET Framework 4.5.2 (offline) to run it.


Can anyone suggest me what features to add? Because of the delay of the Beta 3.2 Release.

I will get back to work on this.

found the compilation errors for sure!

You should NOT download appinventor-sources or the extension template using github's inbuilt downloader, but rather use git to download them.

That could also fix most of the problems on the user's side.

EDIT: I lost the project from the PC as it was fully wiped (I had a backup but that was gone a long time ago)

Btw, I made this app open-source, did a Visual Basic expert manage to fix some of the errors?

Next Dependency and Addon projects were cancelled.


Since you know the compilation bug, it will be fixed using the ACOM64.bat service! Don't worry!

I am not a competitor towards Rapid, but I made a product for people who still use Appinventor-sources and they can compile it right away.

The ACOM64 service will allow you to customize compilation stuff according to your desire :wink:!

Beta 3.2.1 (MAJOR BUG FIX)

The compilation bug has been fixed, for good!
The syntax highlighting was removed due to technical difficulties, which will be brought back in version Beta 3.3

Btw, I used ACOM64 to fix the bug! :sweat_smile:

Finally, after 6 months, we have the update WE ALL NEEDED!

Beta 3.4

(might end up being the full release :sweat_smile:)

Compilation Bug Fixed
Path Settings
Better UI / Total Overhaul
Rewritten from scratch
Syntax Highlighting Added Back
OPaaT (One Project at a Time) Mode Currently, planning to add multiproject support.

Versions: Windows compatible only, wanted to add (native) compatibility support to MacOS and Linux, but haven't found a Linux solution! If anyone is a VB.NET, Linux or MacOS expert please contact me via PM.

Only Dark Mode!

The 404 warning is there because, I haven't hosted the webpage (start page) online yet! The start page will be automatically updated after I host it.

You need to follow a guide I will provide after a few days, so at the moment I am not providing the download link. I used this post to provide you guys with an update!


Where is the real link to the NEXT builder page or any description of how to open this environment? And how is this environment better than rush or build in source with ant?

This is the real NEXT builder page, made by me!


Extension Template all Paths and all correct and added
.NET Framework 4.0
whatever required in extension template setup
Compiler Script

Basically paste the compiler script as "compiler.bat" at NEXT's startup path!

It is just a combination of the editor, compiler, and everything else combined.

BTW I'll reply tomorrow

Anyone interested in beta-testing this still?
Those who want to do, PM me, and you need to meet certain requirements..
You need to test and report bugs with a bit more detail (screenshot) for future fixes ...
A new version is coming soon.

I will continue production, users please give me constructive feedback :slight_smile:

I'm very interested to test the new beta version.

Alright I will send it via PM tomorrow.

Sneak Peek at Version 3.6 [NEXT IDE Revamped]

I should have shown the output working in app inventor, but oh well I was too lazy to show it ...
Pleas provide constructive feedback so I can improve this for the future, thank you in advance!

If anybody is interested in beta testing, register here: https://forms.gle/RcawBdb9Bz3Pm2fM8