Background Tasks extension [3.8 A] 🥳

kindly provide me any .aia file of this working extension just for tutorial

Hi heart coder, please try some examples, also see the Kodular community post from 3.0, you should find a very lot of examples.

dear I have already applied all blocks of example. I need just simple blocks tutorial just for understanding that how this extension works.

Hey guys can you please please help. Me out with a problem I want to send accelerometer or gyroscopedata through Bluetooth client to my Arduino in byte list format I have already tried many times but app crashes and Bluetooth connection breaks up
I am intermediate level guy please help me out

I have been experimenting with the extension in the backgroun activities for some time (link to extension => Background Tasks extension [3.8 A] 🥳 259) but I can't bring my project to life. This requires that initially I start the background service and that it always remains open. Then it has to connect through the Bluetooth low energy extension with my device. Once this is done, it must enable the receipt of the notes of a specific UUID. Now through the RegisterForEvents block when I receive a byte string from the BLE bispositivo it must send it via HTTP request to a web server. I can do all this in a normal appinventor app but with the service start in the background it doesn't work .... ie the service doesn't stay active all the time and the When Bytes Recived event doesn't do its job. Please help me!

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Hi, are you trying this for the first time? If yes then please start with some small examples, also please post your blocks here.

hi ı need background task when phone call started and incomıng call phone number to show notification code block please help me

Hi, this has been achieved in the past, please check this:


Hi, I tried to create this project where the app stays in the background and if the accelerometer detects a shake then it sends a notification.
Service starts but notification is not received ...
Please help me!!!

Hi friend, please use the latest version of the extension (3.8)

by creating an app with the extension version 3.8 the app crashes as soon as the service is activated

Can you please show me your blocks?

@Kumaraswamy I think you should change this :point_up_2:

P.S: Edit Done :+1:


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Hi, can you make sure that your phone has the AccelerometerSensor and app has the necessary camera permission to turn on the flashlight.

Also it seems, you also created a topic about this in the Kodular community? If yes, try to only ask in the place you are making your app with.

Hi, yes my phone has the accelerometerSensor and the toarch permissions.Idk how to do...

Go to app settings, permissions, turn that on.

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It doesn't work the same

What is your device name and send me the AIA.

This seems to be a bug, i am looking at it.