Background Tasks extension [3.8 A] 🥳

I have included examples in of its release post, check it.

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Its good if you provide blocks a

Explain more.

Please give me blocks I want to set that when button click button goes disable and after 24 hours it enable again

Everybody only asks for blocks, try it yourself. Make use of a repeated alarm.

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Ok thank you

Which blocks we need to use if repeating time goes over

Can you please explain more?

How to detect that repeating time goes over

Use a Tiny Db in the service to store the result.

Hello, you know that I am also making an APP, the idea is to consult the database every 5 seconds, but no matter how hard I try to integrate the extension, it gives me an error.

Can you please show me the blocks?

This would be the block that I am testing, in addition to wanting to have my loclizacon updated.

Someone has been successful connecting to a database.
and keep our location updated with

Hi please update the extension to the latest version.

could you do something about it?

hi, I realized that importing 2 or more background tasks creates a conflict between them and none of them work. I solved it in another way but it may be useful to know.
my question is how do i customize the notification icon?

Yes, creating two tasks created conflicts if you are using the same service Id. You should call Cancel service block with the service Id before creating a new task.

To customize the icon, you can set the icon in the foreground config block.

To fully customize the notification (like media style) then you can create a notification with the Id 1 and it will get replaced.

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Hello, I need my app to work in the background and always keep the GPS in ON mode. If the user deactivates it, after 5 seconds it is activated again. Is it possible to do with this extension? Some example? Thanks.

As far as I know, android does not provide the ability to turn on GPS without user interaction. The user has the right to control whether apps can track him or not.