hiii i want to generate multiple buttons and text input field in screen 2 according to data inputted in Screen 1 how can it will be possible .I want to make a user form where number of users is inputted in screen 1 and in screen 2 i want to make input of username and phone number field for number of users inputted in screen 1 .
Rather than using multiple screens , you can use Vertical / horizontal arrangements for that.
You can use lists , or list of list I think will help
Sorry i am new in this app and so i am stuck on that thank you i will try that
In this app we can add buttons or text input fields whenever we have amount known like if we want 2 buttons and 2 input we can easily make by dragging but if we want unknown amount of buttons and field which will only be known after user enters number so how can we make like that
I guess what you are trying to say is
You want to create a “form designer” application or something similar to that , Where in user will specify what should be the fields , and buttons related to field and/or text boxes against them?
Yes thats true but i made one by one input by creating list now
So is it sorted?