App não funciona no android 10

Aplicativo completo, todas as funcionalidades OK, porém, no Android 10 não roda, apesar de instalar.

Testei num Samsung J5 e funcionou normal. NO Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro, instala, abre, mas não funciona.

Which Android version? Show your blocks.

See also here:

Hello Ney

App Inventor, as with many other platforms, currently targets Android 10 (API 29). One of the areas where an Android 10 build could have issues on Android 11 is File read-write.

We always require detailed information about any issue App Inventor developers have, since we had to hand over our crystal balls to Disney...........

Corrigi algumas informações, sobre o APP do Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro.

Mais tarde estarei fazendo os prints das telas e colocando aqui.

Agradeço a atenção de todos.


Corrected some information, about the APP of Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro.

Later I will be making the screen prints and posting here.

Thank you all for the attention.

Ney Barbosa