小妹想请问下 app Inventor最新服务器地址 有谁知道

小妹想请问下 app Inventor最新服务器地址 有谁知道

Is this about Artificial Intelligence?

yeah i know but the latest MIT AI2 is still being repaired :sweat_smile:

Hello wwsy

You need the latest server on Chinese Mainland, correct? I shall ask MIT on your behalf.

This was asked recently.

Unfortunately, I neglected to add the answer to the Internationalization FAQ at the time.

The currently available servers are:

There is also the test server as previously pointed out where experimental features are published before we push them out generally.

There are also servers run in HK for our partnership with EdUHK and HKJC. Those servers are only intended for teachers and students participating in that program.

(added to FAQ)

如果你有QQ的话 可以用这个汉化增强版的wxbit. 网址是 app.wxbit.com

If you have QQ, you can use this enhanced Chinese version of wxbit. The website is http://app.wxbit.com