App Inventor + Kodular Planned Collaboration

We haven't talked yet about what's the future of Kodular Community, but we'd like to keep it active anyway. Of course, questions regarding app development will end up moving to MIT App Inventor Community, but we think Kodular Community will still be useful somehow.
Regarding ProKoders, we didn't decide yet what to do with the group, but they will definitely be reviewed. We wanted to revisit and "refactor" how it works a long time ago, but couldn't do it because of lack of time. But with the collaboration, when we eventually reach the transition point, we'll see how we handle the ProKoders group.


There could be, I remember stumbling across a plugin for Discourse...

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IMHO, this would be the thin end of the wedge :wink:


As I said, I am not sure how would the implementation go, and of course should be implemented after careful deliberation...

  • I personally think the AppInventor UI should remain the default and dominant one after the collaboration, because this gives default AppInventor users a better feel.

  • I don't really approve the Kodulsr way of adding spaces between blocks (like Error Occurred). This is kind of buggy, for example, extensions find the blocks with the same name separated with spaces. Also, this is programming, users need to learn how programs are formatted.

  • Will the Classic theme still be supported? The Classic theme has simple title bars and UI, easy for a simple app.

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I think it's a good idea. Many good programmers will join forces. AppInventor will be a little more modern, and there will be no more problems with extensions for different platforms. There will also be no division of the community.

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any update for this collaboration?

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I follow Github. Currently, several components are in the process of being corrected, but they don't seem to be approved yet.
Firebase, Camera, NearField, Sound and SoundRecorder.
I think it will be a long and winding road :grin:


Definitely, and presumably a bug-rich road. :wink:

Yes, I think we will need a test server where we can test apps imported from kodular and appinventor.


Can we have any Roadmap or something like that for this collaboration

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Probably not. Everything is done for free, in the programmers' free time. In such conditions, no one will work according to any rigid plan. There is a general plan for this to happen in 2024, but it could also be 2025. No one can guarantee a date, just like with the iOS release.


Any update on this? Is this even happening?

Yes, see the post above yours for "timelines"

Yeah, during this summer we have been working with Google Summer of Code students to bring some new features that were available in Kodular (though they are not "1:1 ports").

I was mentoring a project that ported some Android components to iOS (not all components were Kodular ones, they were also AI2 components), and Vishwas has been mentoring the "Project Settings modal" project (which moves the App Settings properties away from Screen1 properties to a specific dialog).


Great News :star_struck:

Will app inventor get lower level APK exports for APK files for older phones ? Currently we can't choose a export level in ai2 but in kodular we can

Them older phones work good for Senses and toch screens I using an old phone just to interact with my led system.

It's not an export level. It's minSdk, the minimum Android version the app supports. Installing the package on lower Android versions will result in an error.

App Inventor itself was meant to support lower SDK's like Android 2.2, but the features you use may drastically impact this.

See also post #24.

It depends on which components require which (minimum) API level.