App doesn't update


Both are HRMHR.aia :astonished:

The only difference is the path to them is different

The newer one is in a folder HRMHR2


You cannot have two projects with the same name in your AI2 account.

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Let's see screenshots...

How can I get the package name corrected?



I am looking at your solution at How do you change Package name any solution in 2021? - #23 by Anke

If that method is used then I must use it with every change of my app? Each time I make a change I must compile and then perform that method?

I saved my aia multiple times over a period of time as I made improvements and corrections. With major improvements I gave it a new name HRMHR1, 1a, etc. The last was HRMHR2c at wich point I saved it as the original HRMHR. I then restarted by loading it as a new project and yes I set project properties to HRMHR

Aren't the aia name and the package name the same?

Aren't the aia name and the package name supposed to be the same?

Make sure before you upload your project that there is no copy already on the server with the name HRMHR otherwise the server will rename your project and with that it will be the new package name..


Thank you. Yes I deleted the previous project and then deleted it from trash

Somehow things became confused. I guess I would like to know how to get the package name back to the original name so the compiled version will update the original app

I was talking about your AI2 account (not your PC), when I said "let''s see screenshots".

Make sure there is no project with the same name in the trash (in your AI2 account). Otherwise, as @Boban said, another project with the same name will be renamed, since (as I said before) 2 projects with the same name cannot exist in your AI2 account at the same time.

Did you delete / change the keystore? If so, you need the original keystore to update your app.

See also here:

I do not know anything at all about keystore or play store or any store :rofl:

My concern is only being able to compile another time and have it update the previous

Screenshots? You wanting blocks? :thinking:

Do you have more than one AI2 account? Or did you import the new aia into a new account? If so, then you would now have a new (different) keystore.

... but definitely the name of the AIA project is different.

No I only have one account

No. Both aia have same name

Let me try to state this again, perhaps to make more clear.

I have 2 aia of the same name (HRMHR.aia) in separate folders on my computer: HRMHR\HRMHR.aia and HRMHR2\HRMHR.aia

The one in HRMHR folder was my first version (android 12) and I made improvements as well as upgraded for Android 13 resulting in the resultant HRMHR2\HRMHR. The resultant was originally HRMHR2c. I am satisfied with the result so I deleted all versions in the AI and deleted from the trash.
I then saved HRMHR2c as HRMHR and loaded it.

The result of this is that the new version has a different package name and will not update the original.

I still would like to know what causes the package name? Is it the aia name or is it something contained in the aia?

If the project name is "HRMHR", it is impossible for the packageName of the compiled app (APK) to be appinventor.ai_<email>.HRMHR_2.

It's actually a waste of time, but send me the new aia via PM (i.e. the aia that supposedly generates this package name appinventor.ai_<email>.HRMHR_2).