An aia file of professional quiz app for an idea

Hello Everyone,
Can anyone send me a aia. file of professional quiz app so that i can take an idea but don't worry i would not copy your project i just want an idea.
Thanks in Advance

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Why not search the App Showcase category? There are tons of examples there.

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Thanks for telling

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We cannot (and will never) send a complete AIA file for you for "reference". A complete app is made up of a lot of concepts. Learn these concepts to build a successful app. If we give you the AIA file, but you don't learn these concepts, you still won't understand anything.

Since this is a quiz app, you might want to learn JSON and piece the questions and answers in one JSON file. You will also need to learn to switch screens correctly, etc.

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I know these all but i have to teach it in my youtube channel thats why

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This might not be professional, but it's unique among quizes ...

(Got Your Nose)

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I have just made a trivia app. You can take reference from it.

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