Information on countries and more (in French)

Hi everyone,
i make my first app called PaysDuMonde, it gives an overview on each country (in french)

1.Use of PaysDuMonde

Gives general information (population, area, flag, name and picture of the capital) location on the earth
Gives currency used
Gives Time and weather in the Capital
You can select the country name or the capital to chose the country
You can convert currency (Euro <-> Local currency)
Click on flag opens wiki for the country
Click on picture of the capital opens wiki for the capital
Click on the map opens a googlemaps of the country
It is also possible to select a town in the country, and you get Time and weather for the location choosed
Click on the town name (or capital name) opens googlemaps for the location choosed

A mini quizz is included , you choose flag, capital or earthmap and select one of the country
Built with Construction: September 28 2021 Version: nb187d
Use Companion: 2.61 or 2.61u
Target Android SDK: 30 (Android 11.0)
Tested on samsung S10
Uses extensions (thanks):

  • TaifunFile, TaifunZip, CustomWebView, DownloadHelper
  1. Screenshots

  2. Download
    Google Drive mydrive
    First run will download the data

Thank You for taking time to read this topic. Sorry for the use of french


Good app!

I can help you translate since I can speak French :slight_smile:

thank you for using the file and zip extensions

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