AI2 companion for my apps stops suddenly without any error message

Hi, I'm back sorry. I can't delete the data in the database as I want. Do I have to pay for the Google Sheets API service? I want to delete all data when clicking "reset"

Once you start using the AI2 Spreadsheet component to update sheets, you need to build and include a .json credentials file in the Media folder and in the Spreadsheet component attributes.

There are links to this procedure in


yeah, but I have to use a Google developer account, isn't it possible if I use a regular Google account and spreadsheets? Can you give me an example of what I should do. I don't have Google Developer account

I don't think I have a Google developer account.

They certainly don't have any credit card numbers for me.

But I do have a free gmail account.

That's all I have used, following this link:

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okay, i got my json keys. and ths is my block for reset my data. so which block should i use next? i must input my json keys?


Follow the AI2 setup near the end of

It has grown since I last saw it.

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This is more to the point:

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HOO thank you, it works :clap: :star_struck:

but sorry.. when i click "reset" in my apps, the data in spreadsheets will empty. but an error appears when I start retrieving the data and want to display it. iis it because i deleted my database? what should i do?

Show us where you do your math + operations.

i do my operation in arduino ide, and i send the result to database


this is my aia n code

Alicia_TinyML_DataLogger_ext.aia (411.3 KB)
NEW_XIAO_BLE_ACC_Data_Logger.ino (10.6 KB)


You had blanks in that column, and Ai2 math blocks hate blanks.

These draggable blocks should filter out the blanks.

what is NZ? what that mean? what should I enter there? I call columns on a spreadsheet

this is my database

NZ is a value procedure I just coded to take a value, check if it is a number, and return 0 if it is not a number.

I named it after a common spreadsheet function

from the free book at

the application works fine in reading and displaying the previous "distance" value, but when I delete the value in the database. the function is different and there are errors. I think something went wrong when calling the data, after the value in the database was deleted. but idk what its is

You did not delete all the data:

it was new data that I sent, I tried to display that data in the application, but it couldn't

the problem starts after i delete all data. the previous value indicates this number. but now the distance value not appear

This has exceeded my complexity limit:

  • I can't translate the headings
  • You clear only partial ranges
  • You request parallel columns, but do not request them as a single contiguous range to get them together at the same time
  • You are using an unfamiliar charting extension