Back-up your project to your computer before anything else.
To find out if the Sensor component is the problem, just delete it!
It would help to see your BLE Blocks too. From the top right-hand corner of App Inventor, temporarily change the language to English. Then right-mouse in the Blocks work area and select "Download Blocks as image".
Thank you very much for your quick response. I have tried the version that Tifòn has indicated and it has worked the first time. It no longer gives an error. I think that the second option is not necessary so I will continue with the project and if I have errors again I will do as you indicate and I will send you the information that you mention.
It has started doing strange things again, it crashes and gives a message of "MIT AI2 Companion not responding" I have saved the copy of the current project and I have deleted the Location sensor and the BLE extension, I have also deleted all the blocks except three that I think have nothing special, they only handle data and it continues to crash.
I have tried other old projects and in some it gives the long error at the beginning and others do not. Of course one that uses the location sensor works. Others with bluetoothBLE do not work.
I attach the messages that AIstarter gives in case they are of interest aistarter.txt (2,2 KB)
By the way, it talks about AMD architecture and my architecture is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700T CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
Since I have seen this data about AMD architecture, I have tried to reinstall aiStarter and it gives me an error, see the attached images.
Could the problem come from here?.
The error streams you are showing come from attempts to install an Android emulator on your Windows PC.
An Android emulator on a Windows (or any) PC will never support Bluetooth or Location services.
If you Must use the Companion for BLE testing, use just the BLE extension on your phone with no other extensions, and be sure the phone has the latest (2.73au) Companion installed.
Use the Connect->Companion sequence to connect, and avoid aistarter.
The errors appear when trying to reinstall MIT_App_Inventor_Tools_30.265.0_win_setup64 . In the end it tries to install this program that seems to be an Intel accelerator. I never use the Android emulator, I always connect via USB with an Android device. Regarding Companion, the version I use is 2.73d1u as recommended by Taifun, since that version gave me problems.
I have reinstalled the version you mentioned and the result is the same.
Using an emulator in this situation makes no sense anyway. The emulator does not have access to the underlying BLE hardware (if any) on the host. If you want to develop projects using BLE you need a real device.
Yes, I do work with BLE and location sensors, so I always check on the Android device.
I am currently completely cut off from this problem.
The PC is from 2017 and works fine, but the manufacturer has stopped updating drivers. I suspect this is where the problems come from.