What I mean is creating our own logic using blocks only. Anyways, it's a good extension
who needs enemies when you have friends like that
It can be done, but this extension provides you extra features like sum checker, you can also calculate square root, sin, cos & tan
& also you can use the error occurred block to see where the error as occurred where as in JS you cannot eval sums like
, it gives you error.
I don't think these are unavailabe in ai2.
Btw, good test extension.
But you cannot eval them as a string so it's
a test extension.
Sorry, I din't mean that. I meant you cannot directly eval
This extension can eval without any webview/js/code
What might be a clever thing is to parse "natural language" to return a result:
User types:
What is the square root of 64
tell me the sin of 45 degrees
what is the sum of two plus one
Thanks I will try it.
note: this can already be done in App Inventor without any extensions
Lists, text manipulation, logic
I don't think it's easy to do it because natural language
can contain numbers is money
like dollors etc, also how do we convert words into number? We cant just use numbers from 1 - billion, because what if the value is high like centillion
which has 303
zeros? It might be difficult but we can try...
Awesome exension
AdvancedCalculator : An extended form of calculator
thank you for your contribution...
btw. there already is a very powerful free math extension available, which is able to calculate "everything", see here App Inventor Extensions: Math Parser | Pura Vida Apps and it uses only one method...
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
I don’t mean to sound rude, but shouldn’t a calculator be right 100% of the time? If it’s not then surely it’s broken.
I believe the success rate referred to is the conversion of natural language to a calculation, not the calculation itself