2 Curiosità utilizzando Mit App Inventor

E' la prima volta in 4 anni, da quando uso Mit App Inventor; che vengo a sapere che una variabile globale non può contenere un nome numerico..perchè? :thinking:

So far as I know, variable names, procedure names and project names must only contain numbers (0-9), alphabets (ABC) or underscores (_) and must start with a letter.



A space gets translated in a underscore but still work.


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I think we can not start with variable names with numeric keypad

All unicode characters seem to work but.....

These are different characters from here and look the same.

You can do funny things this way. Really visual programming with icons.



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Are you able to have variable to be started with numeric, it is not allowing me to do so, I am getting the same effect what you can see in the OP's video sample.

It takes a little trick to achieve that.

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What's that? :slight_smile:


Use the unicode version of a number.

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Or use the emoji version of a number probably.

I didn't know that variable names can't contain emojis before.

And you can also build the apk or aab.

And this is the code in the aia.

Put this ׄ_ in front of the number.
(Btw, I used the numbers from the keypad.)

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