Zabbix API does not connect

Hello colleagues, I'm new to mit app inventor 2

I am trying to connect to the Zabbix API
API documentation:

What am I doing wrong?

Try like this:

How do I enable this prompt?

Better, but still not working

it worked like that

Tell me, friend, how to get a token now?


According to the api documentation, your url and post text should be returning the token...

Do some testing with curl or postman see what that produces.....

if you ask in the console via GET the token comes

figured it out, does not work without id

Why they say to put auth:null I do not know....

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Need help with logic

How to build logic if I need another query to execute

What response does that give you?
Do your blocks generate the required "json" as per the API documentation?
Have you asked Zabbix for support as well ?

Ato will give me information about the host.

Are you familiar with the Zabbix system?