You may consider upgrading to a policy-compliant version of this SDK, if available from your SDK provider or removing the SDK.

  • gagtube updateapp SDK: Consider upgrading to a policy-compliant version of the SDK if available from your SDK provider, or removing the SDK.

Additionally follow these steps APK/App bundle level updates:

  1. Upload the modified policy compliant APK across all tracks, and deactivate the noncompliant APK(s).
  2. Navigate to the track(s) with the policy issue (Closed / Open testing / Production). Click Create new release or Edit release
  • If the release with the violating app bundles / APKs are in a draft state, discard the release.
  • Otherwise, add the policy compliant version of app bundles / APKs.
  • Make sure the noncompliant version is under the "Not Included" section of this release.
  • Enter a release name and click Save. Once saved, click Review release, then proceed to roll out the release to 100%.
  1. If the non-compliant versions are released to multiple tracks, repeat step 2 in each track.
  2. In addition to your Production release, if you have other release types that you use for testing and/or quality assurance checks (for example, Internal test, Closed, Open), please make sure to update those tracks as well.

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