Yandex Translate Download

I'm having trouble finding the Yandex Translate extension for MIT App Inventor. Can anyone provide me the link to download it? Thanks.


There is no such extension.

If you are referring to the Yandex Translate component, this has been replaced with Translator. Use this instead, the functionality in your project will be the same.

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Thanks! About the screenshot below, would I be able to do something like that or put the join button there so I can translate multiple texts with one block? Or would I have to create the call Translator1 for each individual text? Thanks!

You can use the “list” instead of “and” in logic(Boolean)
Using list will result a list in the result and use “select item? List get translation, index (your choice)” I think?
Idk I don’t have a computer near me and I can’t test it out on my iPad I’m using currently

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It doesn't seem to be working, and I probably did it wrong, but It shows the translated text with some added symbols and just combined the translations. When you have the time, if you could show an example that would be great. Thanks

But what about trying something yourself?

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Does it work to you?

So where would I put the List block? Which block would I attach it to? Thanks

Maybe If I made a list and called it later in the program ?

now mit app inventor have translation option

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That is what is being used above...