YailList. I want some help Sir

Hello I am Vaibhav Pathak I am making a extension and I am using YailList but I don’t know how to insert item in the list.
can you help me.


hi please help

I would recommend against constructing YailList directly. Instead, return a Java List and the runtime will convert it to a YailList for you, checking that each element is a valid YAIL type.

Thanks sir for helping me.

Can you help me regarding how can I use files from asset in extension like a user uploaded a image in his project and he imported and use my extension and I am block to crop image so I want to know what I have to write in the code to get that file which name is written by the user in my extension block.

If you’re planning to manipulate images, you’ll probably want to use MediaUtil.getBitmapDrawable(Form, String) to read the asset as a BitmapDrawable that you can then operate on.


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/design/R$attr;
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Sir can you help me I got this error in runtime.
I am using AndroidMaterialSupport library jar and aar file and I am using extension template on github and I am also using proguard there.

AAR libraries are not supported in extensions at this time.

I am talking about How to use it in components.

I am building a offline app inventor based builder for school students where students want to use some material design component but I don’t know How can I use aar files to make components. Please sir help me.