Xiaomi14 with Android 15 exact file path to .csv file to be addressed for reading

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Sure will do...as soon as i get to my other PC where the blocks are.
Thank you

Try to use a file picker and then use the uri

Hi Taifun
Here the blocks. What do you think?

Where is this AZONFDS.csv file located?
Hover your mouse here, it will give you tip

right now the file is on my desktop.
this is my testing blocks. It is working like this with AIstarter.
And file it is set to default scope Asset.
When build the apk the file i set to App. Then i have to enter the path???
I also placed the real file in the phone "/storage/emulated/0/Download/AZONFDS.csv" and set the same to the filename block. Installed, open...same result...file coild not be found

Upload the file into the assets of your app

This will not work, because the file component can only read files your app owns, see slso Some basics on Android storage system


So how exactly I should do this.
While building/testing the app with my phone connected via USB and the file path is just "AZONFDS.csv"...no slashes. It is set to default scope "ASSET". It is all working with this setup.
Then when ready to build the apk what default scope I must set it to?
And what exactly the file path must be?
BTW I have tried to use few extensions but surprisingly I aways got an error while loading the app via AIstarter to my phone. As soon as I remove the extension it all goes well. Same happened with "TaifunFile" extension.

Following this instruction(designer view, media) , then use //AZONFDS. csv as path.

You do not have to change anything, it works also after building the app

However the default file scope is App and not Asset... did you set it to Asset?

And do not forget to

also known as media section in the designer

If you want help on that, then you should elaborate... which error? etc...


Thank you Kevinkun and Taifun.
The second slash appears to be the key.
It is all working fine now.

The error is something like "...button1 cannot be found..." and the screen remain not loaded.
This is happening when I have the extension loaded (not even placed any of its blocks) and I try to load the app for testing via USB with AIstarter to my phone.
I will give you the exact error.
My AI2 working setup is a little tricky and I am limited with some options like been online, transferring snapshots etc. It is my challenge, but I try my best to give you the error.

You do not need any slashes, jusr the filename
together with file scope = Asset and the file uploaded into the assets, i.e. media section in the designer


Without slashes "AZONFDS.csv" and sets to "ASSET" is working only while testing with USB. When apk installed an error pop-up "...file cannot be found".
With two slashes "//AZONFDS.csv" and set to "ASSET" it is all working perfect.
What exactly is the meaning of the slashes here?

try the apk file from here


this is working fine for me in the companion app and as apk file on Samsung Galaxy A54 running Android 14
readcsv.aia (2.0 KB)

EDIT: also working fine without helper block...



O...I haven't noticed the "Set File1 Scope to" block.
I was talking about the Designer view, file1, select the default "ASSET".
Isn't it the same when apk is build?

sorry, but the default is App as mentioned earlier...
and if you set file scope to Asset in the designer it also should work
the documentation is btw. here Storage

Thank you Taifun.
I read it now. It is quite clear.
So, I can remove the two // and it will still work.


Thanks for the info.
Sometimes when on rush thinks are missing...even in front of the eye...
Thank you ALL for the help and great support.
My app is working now like a charm.
To maintain the good order, I will open the question for the extensions problem in another topic (I guess is the right way?!).
Thank you again.