Writing issues... not with a biro though (Spreadsheet Component)

I am just messing about with the built in gsheet. A simple read and write of variably sized lists. I can read with no issues, but I am not able to write to a column.... not sure if I have got something wrong, missing a component... slept through the intro... I can't find succinct examples anywhere, lot's of 'this is what is is and what it does...'
cheers for any help


Have you got your service account setup and downloaded your json credentials file ?

I thought I had... I'll check again.Thanks Tim
I have done that. The problem is that when I follow the instructions I found in the forum, the instructions look completely different from the actual screen and the information does NOT correlate to the instructions. I do actually have all that going, downloaded, in the app.

OK, so this works just fine


check the structure of your list

Does not work fine for me.
The JSON file appears in the Media section of the design page, correct?
Should the spreadsheetID be the url or the Share link? I have tried both... no avail!

spreadsheet Id should be the file ID, like so:


Do you have one of these?

Something wrong with your spreadsheet, file ID, or permissions (credentials)

i am looking now. thanks fellers

Did you share your spreadsheet for write permission to the special email address associated with that .json file?


From the Green Share button on the Google Sheets web page for your sheet:

i did all that, i can read info from the sheet, i just cannot write back.
Part of the problem is that I am guessing google has updated their console.developers page, but all documentation I find is very different looking with different questions.

Can you post screen shots of what you get from the green Share button on your sheet?

You are missing the gserviceaccount email address in the editors section.

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dum dum question.... how do I add that one?

It should happen automatically, but you can add the service account manually

I am concerned that you may not be setup correctly with the service account....

me too. It is very cryptic

You can recover your email address from the text in your .json file (do not mess it up, just copy the text)
(.json image deleted for security reasons - ABG)

If you lost the .json file, you can download it from your Media folder again.

Copy the email address and paste it into that Sheets Sharing popup text entry box.

same error msg as above PERMISSION_DENIED :-1:

Show us the error message and your revised SHARE popup.
(I have to go back and delete my JSON image, for self preservation purposes.)

Also show us
from the Designer for each sheet component.