Write to External MicroSD

Hi All,

I need your suggestion for file transfer to the external device. My goal to transfer the asset file to external device via usb cable through my app. I have been searching for sometime to find the best way to copy file through my application to external device via USB cable. I see the device as External storage place (named “USB storage 1”) in My Files. I heart about AndExplorer is open source and possible to integrate and have very nice tutorial how to send code to do the job. But unfortunately that application also have no access to “USB storage device”. I am out of idea. I am using Android 10 with a Samsung device.

Is there any way in MIT App inventor to copy asset file to external device? Or any other external application which I can integrate to do the job.

Now a days I feel hopeless and start thinking about make a arduino hardware to do the transfer via bluetooth :smile:

Any suggestion or guidance will be much appreciated. Thank you

the higher the Android version, the less probability that it will be possible...
in Android 10 an app can’t store files in any directory anymore… see also

you can try the file extension and its Copy or CopyAsync method...

see also the notes below the Copy method there...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Yes, I tried with your file extension but no success. Do you know any open source application which has access to external storage (MicroSD) which I can make an interface between my app and file explorer app. I know only AndExplorer. But that doesn’t see the MicroSD.