Why should WRITE permission be requested for the ASD on API 19 (Android 4.4, KitKat) and above? :upside_down_face:

  1. If the path is not set and if
  2. DefaultFileScope = Legacy is set (as you suggested)

a file cannot be downloaded on Android 11+. Because then this file will be downloaded in
/storage/emulated/0/My Documents/Download/
which of course is not possible on Android 11+ (regardless of whether WRITE permission is also declared in the Manifest for Android 11+ or not). So this is another bug.

Of course, on Android 10 this works, because AI2 decided to declare requestLegacyExternalStorage = true in the Manifest.

If you set the path like this: grafik

WRITE permission must also be incorrectly declared in the Manifest on Android 11+, in order to download to the /Download folder. I've pointed out this old permission bug so many times without ever getting any feedback from the AI2 team.

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