Wifi & sim card (DATA) (download speeds)

Hi giese, I'm new user of app inventor, my app very simple which just play music from mp3 files uploaded in database .
The problem is.
When I use mobile wifi the app become slower and takes too much time to load the mp3 file and some times not responding.
But when I use the phone internet it becomes good

What is the reason , and is it possible to solve this problem.


  • A WIFI connection is usually very fast.
  • a DATA connection uses possibly 3G, 4G or 5G depending on your cell phone provider and cell tower locations. Data transfer (loading your mp3 file) will be slower than WIFI with exception perhaps of 5G. Internet connections that rely on the top-of-the-line WIFI routers offer much faster speed usually than that of mobile providers.
  • other reasons (see link below)

Thank you SteveJG for your response
But my problem is the inverse
The app fast when using sim internet phone
And slow or doesn't response when I use wifi
Specially after add admib ads

  • don't add admob ? Your ads are competing for download access and probably interfere with downloading the mp3.

  • you have a very slow Internet at home perhaps?

I think you are right,
So any app containing connect with internet it's better not to put ads at all