I cannot understand what is wrong here. Could you explain in more detail what you are trying to accomplish?
Could you please show your blocks?
I used this crud blocks and scripts
there is already a Google sheets component built into app inventor. Just use that.
Yes i used the same Google sheet and the script and i found the update function not work
Although the delete function and create function works well
Can you test that and send me aia file that work well
No, because it would contain partial access to my Google account, which i Don't like.
You could also use cloudDB to transfer data to the cloud and use it in other apps without an extension
why not send your blocks image and/or aia here, then some power user will have a look.
this is the aia file and my google sheets
so i hope any one help me
what is the wrong step led to error in update function
You would also need to show your script if you have made any changes to the one provided.
Not sure where the problem is, it all seems to work OK apart from updating the sheet.
Will have to do some more testing later on today.
Tested my example and it seems there is something wrong with the update function. Will require further investigation...
i test the app and still the problem still exists
so, i hope you can help me to solve this problem
OK, I have found the problem, my original blocks were a victim of AI2 progress! The new listview component, introduced after I wrote the guide, handles the listview elements in a slightly different way, meaning the data was not being updated in the blocks.
To manually fix this, you need to go into the Blocks Editor and find the Update section.
Then scroll down to find the Notifier1.AfterTextInput event block. It needs to be replaced with this block:
(This is a draggable block, click on it, then drag it to your blocks editor, then delete the original block)
To save you time, I have fixed your aia project already:
CRUD_Google_test_fixed.aia (87.6 KB)
(You will see the change in the spreadsheet, index 2)
Thank you for reporting the problem, I hope this is the only part of the blocks that is affected.
(Website updated with revised aia project)