Why my ListView won't show the image from an URL I provided?

Hi, I would like to show OpenWeather forecasts images from URL provided by OpenWeather in a ListView. In the code below, the main text and detailed text are just test strings.

Searched the forum and followed the examples provided and I still can't figure out why my images in ListView won't show up.

Thanks for your time to help!

Here are my codes:

Here is the screen capture:

Have you set the layout of the listview?

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Why not just download the images yourself, and package them in the media folder?

openweathermap.aia (4.4 KB)

Hi Kevin,
You were right! I totally forgot about this setting.... :sweat_smile:
After changed the ListViewLayout, the image is back!

Thank you so much!


then mark my contribution as solution.

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Thanks for your suggestion! Download those images into media asset is much more efficient and fast!

The OpenWeather 4 day forecasts for each 3 hours took a long time to complete. There are times where the App just became unresponsive.

Thank you!

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