Why don't work? (cannot find component)

Item is not a list.

this is the list

and now show other message

Why cannot accept the arguments?

pls show us your firebase struture. the problem is you may not have saved the values in firebase as list item

In the event block,

for each item in list

There is a block named select list item(List, index), where you input get 'item'. But get 'item' is not a list, rather it is an item from the list named value.

So value is the list, which you should input, not get 'item', unless value is a List of List.

Now I have this problem


It sounds like you want to save the entire list to a single tag and then retrieve it.

It would be more efficient if you saved the order_numero as a tag and empresa,entrega as a list in valueToStore.


Also, don't you think that csv text from list block would be the best ?

It would rather store it as string, so no problems at all.

no such thing.....

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Ya but there actually is something like this.

I didn't open http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu since two days, so I forgot the exact name.

It would be list to csv row then.

but I would like to store the list value with text. That's why I didn't do the way above that you did

when i put the list to csv line it doesn't show what i wrote

FRETE2_1 (1).aia (52.9 KB)

Why I cannot find the component?

This compenents have in my app

What do you get if you change the ListView to a Legenda

LegendaX.Texto: auxiliar

Hello Karoline

Is LIST_EMBARQUE on the same screen as FirebaseDB1 ReceiveValue?

Edit: Hmm - I'm sure it is :thinking: Can you upload your Project file (.aia) for a Power User to examine? There might be some form of corruption.

Export Project