Why dont save the images canvas in my specific route?

there is my code but i use legacy or app in project properties but i cant get the image saved. something can helpme?

there is the specific block

and the aia

duplicar.aia (5.2 KB)

  1. you have saved the canvas twice, with different location i think.

  2. try to use a relative path for the fileName, like only filename, no need "/storage/emulatod/0/...."

ok i will try

Set the file scope in the project properties to Legacy or Shared and use a relative path to the inage starting with /Download/imagenescreadas/...


i am trying your hint but i get error and the specific route dont work you could see in the images. i use the legacy or shared option but i get the same results

i follow your hint but i get the same results

duplicar(1).aia (5.4 KB)

why the route change to my documents if i specify the download route?

someone can helpme?. why i get error in the third save image? and why dont save in the specific route i cant understand if i follow all the hints.


so this counter_images is a number? or a file path?

try this: