Which storage option can i use?

Hi, i was developing a web chat app as a part of a school project that needs to be submitted very soon and had a few options for the storage of the names of the people…

Please suggest which one should i use as i have been asked to make it as such that 2000 or more entries can be added. Can this be done with the options above, if yes which one is preferable, if no what other options do i have?

Thank you.

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To create a chat use CloudDB or FireBase, here is a very simple example.




Please suggest which one should i use as i have been asked to make it as such that 2000 or more entries can be added. Can this be done with the options above, if yes which one is preferable, if no what other options do i have? Sir please tell.

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Either will work, how you handle the entries will make a difference to the speed of your app…


So which one is faster :question:

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Try both, report back…


I have a problem ,can anyone explain?

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i want to invisible the two button after they pressed once in one device.If user open app again then i want to invisible them

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You can use Tiny DB to do so…

Use simple logic …

When Click do set tiny Db tag Button & value False…

& Set when screen intialize then if tiny db value = False then set button invisible…

wait i am trying

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can you explain in blocks

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Ya wait… let me make…

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:smile: ok


tag is random @Alpajeet

@Alapjeet hey

@Alapjeet thanks it is working

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