Which file do I upload as an asset to in order to use SQLite

Hi All,

Which file do I upload as an asset to in order to use SQLite.

I have already installed the SQLite extension



which extension are you talking about? there are several SQlite extensions around
usually you import the sqlite database you prepared for the project


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

I installed https://github.com/frdfsnight/aix-SQLite

so now I just need to know what SQLite file to load as an asset?


I'm not familiar with that extension, you will have to ask the author...
if you use my extension https://puravidaapps.com/sqlite.php you would import the sqlite file


ah, thanks for that. and what would the full file name be?

in my extension to import a database from the assets you would prefix the filename with 2 slashes, same logic as the file component uses



The file can have any name, as long as the file is an sqlite database file....
It makes sense to give the file an .sqlite extension, then you know what it is...

Thank you (again)