Hi, I recently found that admob can be added in mit ai2 apps. But, I saw the posts that say 'admob extension is outdated'. But, after contionous search, I saw that there are two admob extensions that are developed by different developers. ie, Jewel's AdMob extension and Oseamiya's AdMob version. Out of these both, which one is working currently? And, is there another admob extension/s that is/are developed by some other developer/s?
You can search in the extensions directory
Just check the corresponding extension threads to find the information you are looking for...
I am trying for more than a hour. Okay, Il continue search and share the news here. Thankyou.
May I know why the following lines are written after some extensions 'Appybuilder community has been closed'. Does it mean that those extensions are dropped by those developers.
Is there a way to add ads in mit ai2 apps without using extensions?
No, you must have to use any ad extension to use ads into your MIT 2 applications.
Please don't bump old threads.
Hi, were you able to get ads from admob working on your app? I have not found any free extension and I'm trying to understand how creating an extension works, but no luck. Any help?
yes, there is no free working ads extension available
Yes, you could write your own extension and create the functionality yourself... then provide it for free for the community. Additionally provide support in case of questions and of course keep the extension up to date in case of updated libraries or new Android APIs...
More information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document, however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...
And some thoughts from @Italo
You can start learning all you need to learn to do it, then do it, after long days of trying things, testing and failing, all in your spare time, leaving other things you like to do for this.
Then after all that time and intellect invested, just give it out for free so everyone can make money with it except you.
Sounds awesome right?
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.