Where to Find the Idea List for GSoC 2025 for MIT App Inventor

Hi everyone,

Could someone please guide me on where to find the project idea list for GSoC 2025 for MIT App Inventor?

Thank you!

See here

And check Google Summer of Code


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A draft of the project ideas list for this year as submitted to the GSoC organizers is here:

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Hello sir, @ewpatton This is my first time contributing. I have a question :

Can the projects be different that the specified ones ?

Like my proposal is : On Device Ai components using tensorflow and mlkit

Technically yes, you can propose a project that is not specified on the list. However, proposals that address the project list will receive priority. The major factors we tend to look at is the contributor's skill level, communication skills, understanding of the code base and how it would be modified, and the feasibility of the proposed timeline.

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