Where is the link


  1. I have an APP that access a php archiev (just a link of a place in my site). To run a test to see if it works on IOS, can I do it with a non Apple PC? Will the extension be an apk? (sorry by i have little experience)

Yes, you can build on the iOS companion using a non-apple PC. However, you cannot run .apk files on iOS; they're incompatible with each other. For the time being, you can only test on the Companion.

Hopefully, the next major update for iOS should bring .ipa (.apk's alternative for iOS) support to App Inventor.

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I'm making an app to interact with my website on my mobile. If I make a simple link to the website, the page size gets smaller. When you enter via the app "App Inventor", it's right. On Android I put "http://www.pontosegurorh.com.br/Coletivo/Celpages-total.php" on the webViwer and it opens in the right size. In IOS I don't know how to do this. Maybe there's a very simple way. Anyway, grateful for the help. By the way, we had a great F1 driver - Airton Senna)

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

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Can't forget him :frowning:

Well, making apps on iOS is the same, so you don't have to change anything. All you have to do is download the App Inventor Companion from the App Store. You can compile and connect to it the same way you do on Android. The Companion is a little bit glitchy, though, since it's in Beta testing.

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