Where do i find my created app inventor

I have followed everything in the MIT document to create your own appinventor
and i have checked this webpage localhost:9990/buildserver/health and it shows oK
So it seems that the server is running but I don't see any popup showing my own appinventor, so where can i find it?

open your browser and try http://localhost:8888/


localhost refused to connect.

Can you show an error

I found out by tutning on the system's proxy settings, i might be able to access it but what do i set in port and address?


It should work if you did this step:

Running the main server
$ your-google-cloud-SDK-folder/bin/java_dev_appserver.sh --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/
Make sure you change your-google-cloud-SDK-folder to wherever in your hard drive you have placed the Google Cloud SDK.


I tried writing this in command prompt
C:/Users/LAPTOP/OneDrive/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk/bin/java_dev_appserver.cmd --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/
but got no response

'C:/Users/LAPTOP/OneDrive/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk/bin/java_dev_appserver.sh' --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/

try this on

'C:' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

by mistake i closed the command prompt, so do i need to reinitialize the localserver or is it still running?

Typically if you close the terminal window the processes it spawned will also (but not always) be closed. You can check the running process list to see if there's a version running or try starting the server again. If it fails to start, it's likely that the old copy is still running.

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Currently I'm facing this error

So could please tell what should I do