Where can i find this block? (Procedure in a video tutorial - perhaps make Procedure from Blocks)

Does anyone know where i can find this block?
(Sorry for the bad quality it's from a video)
Schermafbeelding 2023-10-06 111554

it seems that you are showing us an extension
but I can't help you because I don't have any information about this/these extension/s

Can i help you when i show u this?

any name of extension in video or any talking about an extension?

It's a video from a teacher from school and the video is without any talking so i don't know.

This is the procedure. So I think somewhere in the video it was shown how this procedure was created.

No they didn't show it, they actually show the blocks when they are already put together.

How to create a Procedure

Defining Procedures

You need to make the Block @Emilia_Devriendt as described in the link. Try to make the required Procedure yourself.

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