Hi, I have a problem, When initialize a screen, y want run a function call reset "Reiniciar"
Inside that function I have more funtions, and that functions no work correctly, when finish the game you press reset with a choose dialog, it call RESET function and every works perfect the second game.
The problem is, the people must have the game correct in the first game.
Why when I call reset when SCREEN initialize no works?
It is possible that you need to chain your procedures, that is, to call the second one from the first one, the third one from the second one and so on, otherwise they may all be trying to run at the same time, requiring variables from each that are not immediately available.
Its a very faulty method since there is two "" that I havent noticed yet till I explored further. I was looking for a better methods and thanks for providing some.
Is it better to use realtime database or use firestore instead? what will be the easiest?
I mean like this only . (Busy with work) i have put the users ID in listview. You can call it from tinydb or anyother source. But result will be same..