When I tried to get csv from Google spreadsheets, it went wrong

When I tried to get csv from Google spreadsheets, the "responseContent" show 307.

*Full Url:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRrarDu2iEZRBealNHBX_GTBLui76ymJL8cXYOXJH8enZgV2mghbl3A7gb4A80m7f43fKDbIUC8TNwU/pub?output=csv

What can I do to fix 307 situation?

See here:

You probably just need to add &single=true to your url, this returns results for me.

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A URL that's too long to see in a text block can be broken down into pieces and reassembled using a text JOIN on its way into the URL.

That helps catch typoes in the text block.

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